quick warp! (2020)

<quick warp!> is an AR filter project for the young generation to help them warp into another space with artists’ different personas.

My role: AR technician, Media Artist (Submitted original work: Aiaia)

@quick warp! (Instagram link)

<Aiaia> (2020)

Instagram AR facial filter

In this AR facial filter <Aiaia>, recognized faces of viewers’ are replaced with my 3d model version of Medusa.

This work is about prevalent gazed in the media that see ‘women in images’ as objects of possession, as the gaze towards Medusa before her transformation. However, Medusa transformed into a woman who can freeze the gaze, which is the main point of my work, to freeze the gazed of objectification.

By taking selfies with and sharing the filter, more and more Medusa have been reproduced in the digital world, defying to be objectified.

About the Project

<quick warp!> is an AR filter project for the young generation
to help them warp into another space with artists’ different personas.

Warp, which appears in the movie Star Trek,
is a technology that helps a spaceship move to the opposite side, far away from the ground.

<Quick warp!> is a new technology that transforms our appearance and space-time
if we cannot reach the other side faster than the speed of light.

We tried to figure out a way to move into space.

We anticipate the sensations we will encounter when we distance ourselves from the here and now
and try to connect with an unfamiliar environment.

⚡️Use the warp skills that 6 creators showed off with their own purposes and languages.

⚡️Warp Creators⚡️

Angie Hojung Kim김호정, Jieun Park박지은, Youngah Lee이용아, Hyeyoung Ahnn안혜영, HWI, nahee.app

@akkaummado  @zzinsama @leeynga
@hwhwi_._   @nahee.app@hyeyoungking    

⚡️Curator . Somy Lee 이솜이 @fluffysomy
⚡️Producer . Hyeyoung Ahn안혜영
⚡️Design. Pangpangpanng Design Lab @__pangpangpang
⚡️후원 . 서울문화재단, 서대문구, 신촌문화발전소 @scartsspace @015_artist


More than 4.7 thousand people reached the filter and 1.2 thousand people used it.

I also made 4 more Filters in collaboration with the original works of Jieun Park and Youngah Lee.

Facial Filter with Jieun Park’s oriental painting work.

<Chip Away>

: Touch the screen to be the monster in the painting!

<Asura Frame>

: Use your pictures (or your selfie) for the background of the painting!


Facial Filters with Youngah Lee’s illustrations

<Hideout 1>

<Hideout 2>

Click the link to see the whole project archive book :)
